Organizations are constantly looking for a better way to manage inventory control, but many systems can be complex or expensive. Promplii’s reusable plastic storage containers are essential for the industrial storage industry, as they offer durability, versatility, and cost-effectiveness. Plastic storage containers used multiple times reduces waste and environmental impact. They can also be customized to fit different sizes, shapes, and colors, making them suitable for various applications and industries.

One of the most popular and efficient ways to use plastic storage containers is through Kanban solutions. Kanban is a Japanese word that means “signboard” or “visual signal.” It is a method of inventory management that uses visual cues to indicate when to replenish or reorder items. Kanban solutions use plastic storage containers as the visual cues, allowing workers to easily identify inventory available, inventory in use, and inventory that needs replenishment.

Kanban solutions can improve productivity, quality, and safety in the workplace. Using plastic storage containers as visual signals, workers can avoid overstocking or running out of items, which can cause delays, errors, or accidents. Kanban solutions can also reduce inventory costs, eliminating the need for excess storage space and minimize the risk of damage or spoilage. Kanban solutions can also enhance customer satisfaction, ensuring that the right items are delivered at the right time and in the right condition.