Promplii’s reusable plastic storage containers can help reduce the amount of plastic waste that ends up in landfills or oceans. Our containers store food, equipment, recyclables, and trash, and can be cleaned and reused many times. Reusable plastic storage containers can also save money and resources, eliminating the need to buy disposable plastic bags or wraps.

Promplii’s curbside plastic recycling containers and waste bins are essential tools for the waste and recycling industry. They allow households and businesses to separate their recyclable materials from their non-recyclable waste, reducing waste sent to landfills and incinerators. Recycling containers and bins also facilitate the collection, transportation, and processing of recyclable materials, which are turned into new products and save natural resources, energy, and greenhouse gas emissions.

Promplii’s curbside plastic recycling and waste containers contain durable and lightweight materials that can withstand weather conditions, mechanical stress, and contamination. They are easy to use, clean, and identify, with different colors, shapes, and labels for different types of recyclables. Curbside plastic recycling containers and waste bins are an important part of municipalities, which aims to minimize waste generation and maximize resource recovery. Contact us today to learn more about our products and how to improve your waste and recycling process.